
“一般来说,医疗器械行业刚刚开始倾向于,”花岗岩湾全球总裁Don Penkala,一家精益制造咨询公司。“当然,也有例外。[一些]医疗器械植物[等级]我见过的最精简。“



医疗器械制造商使用了许多相同的借口,延迟了瘦弱制造的WideScale采用。“Besides the typical justification that ‘lean is for automotive manufacturers’ or ‘lean only works for Toyota,’ the most common excuse against using lean concepts is [the misnomer that it can’t] work in a highly regulated environment,” says Sammy Obara, president of Honsha Associates, an alumni association of former Toyota Motor Corp. engineers and managers.

“One company I ended up teaching lean to for several years gave me an early push back claiming that continuous improvement would make them ‘too bureaucratic,’” recalls Obara, who spent three years studying lean manufacturing principles in Toyota City, Japan, and another 10 years applying it at Toyota plants in North and South America. “They explained that for every tiny change in their process they would have to create lots of documents to obtain FDA approval and that could take a long time.”
