
“这不仅是约翰逊控制的主要成就,也是社区。该改变大大减少了排放量和植物的环境影响,“约翰逊控制的全球导管系统副总裁兼总经理Joe Oliveri说。“这是约翰逊控制对可持续发展和更健康的星球的致力的主要例子。”

The plant is receiving its wind energy from Evergy’s Soldier Creek Wind Farm, a 300-megawatt wind farm in Nemaha County, Kansas, that was completed in November 2020. The energy cost savings projections from the wind power agreement are expected to be approximately $2.7 million over the life of the 20-year contract. In terms of the plant’s carbon footprint, the switch represents the equivalent of taking 100,000 passenger vehicles off the road.

Johnson Controls将安装改进的电容器银行,以更有效地消耗工厂的风能。这将使工厂的能源消耗降低近5%,在未来20年内平均额外节能300万美元。
