这些天在许多不同的行业包括食品服务设备,能源效率是一个热门话题。但是,尽管有许多优势,但有几个障碍阻止公司投资能力 - 效率,如有限的资金,对未来能源价格,政府激励和能源和气候立法的不确定性。

“Business leaders across the U.S. are increasingly aware of the need for energy efficiency and its potential to reduce operating costs while cutting greenhouse gas emissions,” says C. David Myers, president of building efficiency division of Johnson Controls Inc. “Economic and regulatory uncertainty, however, are inhibiting organizations from investing in proactive measures.”

根据Johnson Invects的最近进行的,71%的商业领袖现在正在更加关注一年前的能源效率。八十五名受访者认为,联邦立法授权能源效率或碳减少可能在未来两年内。
