Instead of simply sending its full-time workers home, Toyota, in accordance with company policy, kept them on the payroll. Not only that, the company kept them hard at work, improving both the plant and themselves.


On August 8, in an unprecedented move, Toyota Motor Corp. suspended all V-8 engine production at its plant in Huntsville, AL, due to weakening demand. The engines are used to power Toyota’s Sequoia sport utility vehicles and Tundra pickups. Sales of these vehicles have plummeted in recent months in response to spiking gasoline prices.


丰田总经理马克·布拉西(Mark Brazeal)说:“这是[公司]第一次经历这个非生产过程。”亨茨维尔时报。但是“我们将其视为机会……。总体主题是改善我们的组织。”


In all, employees invested some 45,000 labor hours in general skills and shop-floor training. Morale reportedly remains high.



Imagine how those 500 Toyota workers feel now that they’re back on the job. Imagine how those GM workers are feeling right now in Janesville, WI.