According to Jessika Trancik, an associate professor at MIT’s Institute for Data, Systems and Society who conducted the analysis, the cost of these batteries has dropped by 97 percent since they were first commercially introduced in 1991. “This rate of improvement is much faster than many analysts had claimed and is comparable to that of solar photovoltaic panels, which some had considered to be an exceptional case,” she points out.
“While it’s clear that there have been dramatic cost declines in some clean energy technologies, such as solar and wind, when [we] started to look into the decline in prices for lithium-ion batteries, we saw that there was substantial disagreement as to how quickly the costs of these technologies had come down,” says Trancik. “Similar disagreements showed up in tracing other important aspects of battery development, such as the ever-improving energy density (energy stored within a given volume) and specific energy (energy stored within a given mass).
卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)机械工程副教授文卡特•维斯瓦纳坦(Venkat Viswanathan)补充道:“电池成本决定了电动汽车与内燃机汽车的价格平价。”维斯瓦纳坦与麻省理工学院的分析没有任何关联。“因此,预测电池成本的下降可能是确保准确了解电动汽车采用情况的最关键挑战之一。”