这次是 Pittsburgh Tribune-Review’s turn. “Precision Factory Jobs in U.S. go Unfilled” the headline laments. The article then goes on to relate the trials of a precision parts maker in a small town in Pennsylvania that just can’t keep up with demand because of a lack of skilled workers.

这次是 Pittsburgh Tribune-Review’s turn. “Precision Factory Jobs in U.S. go Unfilled” the headline laments. The article then goes on to relate the trials of a precision parts maker in a small town in Pennsylvania that just can’t keep up with demand because of a lack of skilled workers.


The article reiterates the time-honored statistic that the typical manufacturing job pays about $60,000 a year. The baby boomers are retiring. Who’s going to take their place? Apparently, at the company in question, senior machinists earn a whopping $70,000 a year, this in a small town “nestled in the Allegheny Mountains” with what one would expect is a very reasonable cost of living. What’s wrong with kids these days?

In a word: Nothing. While it may be true that the typical factory worker makes big money, that ain’t the way it is for starting machinists in the Alleghenies. Apparently a new-hire machinist at the company in question makes $9 an hour, less than $19,000 a year. Manufacturers claim they want smart employees, but you’d have to be plain-old stupid to pull up stakes and relocate for that kind of pay. This is a company that makes “high-end parts for military helicopters and nuclear submarines,” and they’re paying nine bucks an hour?





美国不会仍然是一个政策uring powerhouse by winning back contracts to assemble plastic playsets for Fisher Price or cheap electronics for Sony. It’s going to remain out front by manufacturing things like, well, helicopters and nuclear submarines! And that takes money.

To its credit, this machining company is willing to spend big bucks on training-as much as $120,000 per apprentice. But that just makes it all the more incredible that it should be offering such low starting wages.


工厂工作并不容易。我去过那儿。我知道。对于大多数美国工人,工会工人的所有恐怖故事都没有做任何事情, earn 他们的钱。如果您不支付他们应得的东西,他们将首先留下或永远不必费心回复该帮助的广告。

重要的是要记住,亨利·福特(Henry Ford)并没有通过降低工资来成为工业偶像,而是创建创新且高效的公司。尽管这可能会在短期内提高利润,但从长期以来的短期工作中,工人承担了缩短美国经济的风险。