
Visual inspection is the oldest method for quality control. Humans excel at detecting cracks, deformities, subtle flaws, and missing parts. Depending on the product, we can rely on taste and smell to spot differences. We adjust for unpredictability, are easily trained, and can quickly learn by example.

However, we make mistakes when we get tired, bored, and distracted. Human manual inspection tasks can exhibit error rates of up to 30%. Often, these “errors” are actually false positives where an inspector had started to question their decision-making. Our error rate is even higher for assembly tasks.






The bottle has three brand elements, with a main label and cap label applied by machine. A human then has to accurately place an emblem logo that visually aligns with corresponding brand elements on the other labels to ensure a consistent and appealing shelf display. With multiple products and short manufacturing runs, it’s uneconomical for the distillery to fully automate its labelling process.

Over a shift, the emblem placement would begin to shift as the operator got tired or was focusing on other tasks. Mistakes were often not noticed until the final packaging, when staff was then tasked with manually removing and replacing labels. This resulted in downtime, production delays, and additional costs. Worse, there was always the risk a poorly labelled product could reach the store shelves and negatively impact a consumer buying decision.


在不需要任何编程技能的情况下,酿酒厂质量管理器和操作员培训了图像比较插件以增加其标签过程的决策支持。只需一个已知的好产品的一个图像 - “金色参考” - 系统会自动识别瓶子上的关键品牌元素。插件已被定制,然后在视觉显示屏上添加图形叠加,突出显示并指导操作员奖章标签的正确放置。

AI-based visual inspection ensures brand consistency and accuracy for the distillery, as well as cost-savings as labelling does not have to removed and replaced due to human error. The technology is also being used by the manufacturer as a training tool for new operators, so they can quickly understand the proper positioning of brand elements on the bottle and the difference between “good and bad” products.

With expanding production, the quality manager or operator can easily update the visual inspection system with additional “golden references” to provide labelling guidance for new bottles, labelling, and packaging. The operator simply chooses the correct plug-in for the product to be inspected. An additional image save plug-in could also be used to capture images of products at various stages of production for batch tracking. This will also provide the manufacturer with key data related to their manual assembly and inspection processes for root cause analysis and productivity management.

As the distillery adds more automation to its production, the visual inspection system can provide a valuable quality control (QC) check for in-process or finished goods to ensure all machines and humans are operating in sync. With this approach, the operator is using the AI system to inspect a number of bottles in various stages of production to ensure brand accuracy. This helps remove stressful subjective decision-making for operators, and will increase production as errors can be identified well before final packaging.



DICA is an electronics contract manufacturer located just outside of Ottawa, Ontario that services an expansive list of healthcare, industrial controls, telecommunications, security, and digital imaging companies located in “Silicon Valley North”. The company specializes in high quality electronic assembly services for the small-to-medium volume market.

Serving a high-value, lower volume market can pose inspection challenges for the company, as not all products are well-suited to automated processes. As a result, a number of products are primarily inspected by human operators. The company prides itself on its exemplary record for product quality, and views the automated visual inspection system as a method to add decision-support for its inspectors.

Like the distillery, the electronics manufacturer has trained the image compare plug-in with a known, good image of a final product. Operators and quality control staff have trained multiple image compare plug-ins to inspect different products. The AI capabilities are used to match the approved layout and final production for electronic assemblies. The system quickly compares the placement of components on the circuit board, and highlights differences and deviations for the human inspection before it moves to the next step in the manufacturing process or to final packaging.

